Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam

4) The photo that I took this year that changes my view of photography is one of a rose. When I first chose my 3 rules of composition, I wasn't very sure how exactly I would incorporate them all into one photo. As a result, a lot of the pictures I took usually ended up using only one or two of the rules. However, with this photo, I tried my best to use all 3, and to some extent, all 3 rules can be seen. The rose in the photo is not centered and slightly off to the side, which shows the use of the rule of thirds. The photo is fairly balanced, with leaves in the background that don't overshadow the main subject, the rose, showing the use of balance. And lastly, I took this picture from a viewpoint directly above the rose, showing that I had been taking photos of the same rose from different viewpoints.

5) Shape shows more of a two-dimensional aspect in a photo, such as a circle, or any other flat shape with only length and width. Form, on the other hand, is three-dimensional, such as spheres, or any other shape with length, width, as well as depth. For example, this photo of a rose would show form rather than shape, because it is easily seen as three-dimensional, and also includes depth.

6) Pattern is a group of elements that repeat in a predictable way, such as this picture of ball bearings, which is not by me, but by Wayne Mah. There are many ball bearings in the picture, all laid out in rows, showing a predictable pattern. Repetition on the other hand, is the use of just one element, such as color, multiple times, but can either be seen throughout the entire photo, or in one area of it.

7) My "About Me" was inspired by Peter Bohler.

8) My last project was the weebly site with pictures of different colored roses. Of all the different types of pictures I have attempted to take, I believe these were my best, because they are the only ones in which I successfully incorporated all three of my rules of photo composition: rule of thirds, balance, and viewpoint. In earlier pictures that I tried taking, I wasn't able to use all 3 of these rules because I tried to look for things I could take pictures of that would allow me to easily use them. With the roses, I just decided that I'd choose what to take pictures of first, then use the rules in the process, which ended up working a lot better. This project helped me see that